Lost your phone or odd transactions

CALL 0330 838 0115*

to get it sorted. A block can be put on it straight away.

*Calls are charged at a standard national rate. Call costs from mobiles and other operators may vary so please check before calling. Calls may be recorded and monitored for training and security purposes and to help us manage your account.

I've got a new phone.

Download the app to your new phone.

Load it into your Apple Wallet or Google Pay and you'll be back in business. Easy.

If you've got a new phone number, you’ll need to contact the Bip team first so it can be linked to your Bip account. Your Bip number (that's what others might call a card number) will be updated if your phone was lost or stolen.

Someone else is using my Bip.

If you notice any unusual activity on your account, let the Bip team know immediately. The fraud team will investigate it further and will keep you posted on whatever they find.

In the meantime, you'll get new account details, including a Bip number (that's what others might call a card number). Just reload it into your Apple Wallet or Google Pay and you'll be back using your account securely.

If you've lost your phone, you should always try to locate, lock or erase your phone's contents remotely.

You can use apps like 'Find my iPhone' or 'Find My Device' to locate and suspend your device so other people can’t use it.